Dear Colleagues, “An Arab Healthcare sector without borders” is the message of the Arab Hospitals Federation for its 25th Silver Jubilee celebration, for the simple reason that it has been the primary mission since its establishment. The Arab healthcare sector is witnessing an unprecedented reform and development across many countries. Governments, leaders, stakeholders, and institutions have been working diligently and actively to implement their future vision and plans aimed at ensuring the right to health for all. These concerted efforts have resulted in numerous achievements, developments, and improvements to foster a resilient, smart, safe and sustainable healthcare sector, to ensure a skilled healthcare workforce, to keep pace with digital transformation and innovations, to promote medical tourism among Arab countries, and to improve the delivery of world -class healthcare services. This positive developments in the Arab healthcare sector led us to pursue our mission and to enhance the opening of the borders between Arab countries to maintain a robust sector by exchanging knowledge, expertise, successful stories, achievements and collaboration within the Arab countries for the benefit of the Arab patients. The decision of the Executive council in the federation to adopt “Open the borders and dive into the Future” as the theme for MedHealth Abu Dhabi 2024 aligns with the AHF message and aims to break barriers and navigate towards the future of healthcare. This theme encourages and involves key healthcare stakeholders in the region to collaborate, partner, and explore the future. It’s crucial that we take the future seriously because, quite literally, it’s all we have, and it’s certainly what our children will inherit. We can be confident that delving into the future of healthcare can lead us to positive change and transformation. Let’s celebrate together the AHF Silver Jubilee by opening borders at all levels to pave the way for a more resilient, efficient and effective Healthcare system and we look forward to meeting you all in MedHealth Abu Dhabi 2024.

MP. Fadi Alame


Prof. Tawfik Khoja

General Secretary

Ms. Alice Boueiz

Chief Executive Officer

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