
Dr. Salem Al Harthi

Chair of the Surgery Department

Dr. Salem Al Harthi is a Consultant ‐ General Surgery at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC) in Abu Dhabi.
With over 19 years of experience as a consultant in general surgery, Dr. Al Harthi has a special interest in hepatobiliary surgery, colorectal surgery, oncology surgery, breast and endocrine surgery and HIPEC. Moreover, Dr. Al Harthi currently chairs the Department of Surgery.

He obtained his undergraduate medical degree (MB. BCh. BAO and LRCSPI) from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1999. He then completed his internship at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin and obtained his MRCS degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Glasgow in 2003 as well as from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2004. Dr. Al Harthi completed his surgical residency training at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa and obtained his fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa (FCS) in 2010. He was later appointed as a junior consultant in the surgical oncology unit for 6 months and also worked within the acute care surgery unit at Groote Schuur Hospital. In 2012, Dr. Al Harthi completed a two‐year fellowship in HPB/GI surgery at the University of Cape Town South Africa and was then awarded a Subspecialty Certificate in Surgical Gastroenterology from the College of Surgeons of South Africa in May 2013. Dr. Al Harthi completed his fellowship & diploma in minimal access surgery (FMAS & DMAS) in 2013, and later obtained his fellowship of theInternational College of Robotic Surgeons (FICRS) in 2019.

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