
HE. Dr. Ahmad Abdel Wahab Al Awadhi

Minister of Health

Dr. Ahmed Abdulwahab Ahmed Al-Awadhi is the Kuwaiti Minister of Health.

He was the director of Wadi Al-Salam Hospital in the private sector in Kuwait. He has held numerous leadership and field positions within the ministry, including being the director of Kuwait Cancer Control Center – Sabah Medical Specialty Area, the director of Palliative Care Center at Sabah Medical Specialty Area, and the acting director of Jahra Health Area.

He has also served as the director of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital and director of Al-Jahra Hospital.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadhi, the Kuwaiti Minister of Health, holds a doctorate in pediatric medicine from the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specializations and a Doctor of Medicine degree from the Arabian Gulf University in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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