
HE. Prof. Mohamed Awad Tageldin

Advisor to the President of Republic for Prevention Affairs

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Awad Tageldin, born in Cairo Governorate in 1945, obtained a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from Ain Shams University in 1968, and a Doctor of Medicine from Ain Shams University in 1976, then a fellowship of the Faculty of Chest Physicians in the United States of America in 1981, and worked as a professor in the Department of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 1986.

Tageldin held many positions at Ain Shams University and in the Faculty of Medicine in particular, where he held the position of Vice-President of the Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University in 1992, then the Dean of the Faculty, then Vice President of Ain Shams University for Education and Student Affairs, and Vice President of the Medical Studies Sector Committee, then the president of the university from the year 1997 to September 2001, before he was selected to be the minister of health and population, from March 11, 2002 to December 31, 2005.

Dr. Mohamed Awad Tageldin was appointed as a member of the Executive Office of the World Health Organization (Geneva) from 2002-2004, a member of the General Assembly of the World Health Organization from 2002 to 2005, a consultant to the World Health Organization, a referee member of the editorial board of WHO Journal of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and a member International Aerosol Society in Medicine conferences in the United States, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France.

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