
HE. Dr. Firass Abiad

Minister of Public Health

Dr Firass Abiad is the Minister of Public Health in Lebanon since September 2021. He is a surgeon, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the American University of Beirut with subspecialized training in Bariatric surgeries from US and UK universities. Dr. Abiad also holds a master’s degree in business administration.

Previous to his appointment as Minister, Dr. Abiad worked as Gastrointestinal Surgeon at the American University of Beirut Medical Center since 2010 and served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Rafic Hariri University Hospital since 2015. During his tenure at RHUH, he led the efforts to turnaround the hospital to a leading tertiary hospital that spearheaded the Covid response in Lebanon.

In 2021 he earned the recognition of The 2020’s Man Of The Year by the Arab Hospitals Federation for his role in RHUH, especiallyduring the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Abiad has headed the Ministry of Public Health at particularly one of the most severe and complex crises in its recent history, caused by the interplay of political turbulence, socioeconomic meltdown, and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite these challenges, Dr. Abiad has been focusing efforts on strengthening primary health care services strengthening, system digitalization, and medications use rationalization.

  • Company Ministry of Public Health – Lebanon

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